
What you Should/Should not do in Japan

Be careful

  • A characteristic of Japanese people, avoiding saying things directly to you may cause trouble. However, in our daily life, if you pay attention to putting yourself in another person's viewpoint, you can avoid most of stressful troubles.

  1. Greeting:

    The greeting is vital every time. The greeting is the culture of Japanese people. It will be very nice and interesting if you follow the greeting methods. There are a lot of nice things we can learn from Japanese people and its culture try to learn them.

  2. When using public transportation:

    Public transportations are very convenient and comfortable in Japan. Other than other countries most of the time Japanese people are doing things differently. So using public transportation is also different than we think. When we use public transportation we should avoid taking calls and making noises, we have to put our backpacks on the front side so that not to disturb others, most Japanese people are also not using priority seats and it keeps vacant to use for the priority people, etc. Another thing, when we wait until the train we have to use the correct spot and queue and must follow the queue line to the train.

  3. Do not make noises at night:

    After 10 at night, every family tries not to make a loud noise. People even try not to make the noise of shutting and opening doors or getting up and down staircases. TV sound should be turned down and headphones might be used for listening to music. Try to avoid washing clothes or using vacuum cleaning at night.
    For foreign students, it is a healthful thing to get together with friends from the same country. However, when you gather with your friends and enjoy having a conversation your voice tends to become loud. Therefore, if you and your friends gather late than 10 p.m., do not forget that your neighbors might be already sleeping, so your voice must be kept low.
    If someone complains "You are making noise". You should earnestly listen to it if the complaint is acceptable. If it is too demanding, you must ask your Japanese friend or teacher for advice. Then consider how to deal with it. Do not react emotionally to solve the problem, for it cannot be solved in that way.

  4. Trash Management:

    You have to separate your trash according to its nature ex: Flammable, Nonflammable Large garbage, etc. Garbage collects on a certain day, most of the time flammable garbage is twice a week, and nonflammable garbage is once a week and placed at a designated spot. Otherwise, sanitary officers will not take it away. Try to obey these nice rules and it will help your future.